Anonymous Follos, time of John I, AE Follis, Class A, Constantinople Mint, Circa 969-976 AD


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SKU: B2.10 Categories: ,


Anonymous Follos, time of John I, AE Follis (bronze, 8.08g, 26mm), Class A, Constantinople Mint, Circa 976-1035 AD
Obv: Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cruciger with two pellets in arms of cross, tunic and himation, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels with central pellets; IC XC across field
Rev: +IhSUS XRISTUS bASILEU bASILE; in four lines, symbol above and below
Ref: SB 1793; DOC III A2 var (two pellets, cross and book) Rarity/Choice: Scarce var, VF (sign of double struck on reverse nicely struck on well centered)
Note: John I Tzimiskes, also known as John I Zimisces, ruled as Byzantine Emperor from 969 to 976 AD. His reign was marked by military successes, including the conquest of Bulgaria and the expansion of Byzantine territory in the East. The attribution of this coin to the reign of John I suggests that it was minted during a period of stability and prosperity in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by strong imperial authority and cultural flourishing. The depiction of Christ on the obverse and the inscription affirming his kingship on the reverse reflect the deep religious piety and devotion of Byzantine society during this period. This coin provides valuable insights into the intersection of religion, politics, and art in Byzantine culture. The imagery of Christ and the inscription declaring his sovereignty serve as powerful expressions of Byzantine religious beliefs and imperial ideology. As an anonymous issue, this coin highlights the continuity and standardization of Byzantine coinage, which played a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and identity across the empire.