Islamic, Arab-Byzantine, temp. Umayyad Caliphate, Uncertain Mint, Æ Fals, Pseudo-Byzantine type, AH 11-55 / AD 632-675


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Repeat Title : Islamic, Arab-Byzantine, temp. Umayyad Caliphate,  Uncertain Mint, Æ Fals(bronze,3g,21mm) , Pseudo-Byzantine type, AH 11-55 / AD 632-675
Arabic Title :  إسلامي، عربي-بيزنطي، في عهد الخلافة الأموية، ضرب في دار غير معروفة، فلس برونزي، نوع بديل بيزنطي، ١١-٥٥ هـ
Era/Ruler: Arab-Byzantine, time Umayyad Caliphate Mint/Date :  Uncertain, AH 11-55 / AD 632-675
Denom    : AE Fals Wt/Dia      : 3g / 21 mm
Obv: Imitating the types of Constans II, standing Imperial figure holding long cross and globus cruciger
Rev: Large M; cross above
Ref: A-3521 var? Rarity/Choice: Common, aVF
Note: Coins of this type were minted to maintain continuity in the region’s monetary system while asserting Arab-Muslim authority. The Pseudo-Byzantine style was a deliberate choice to appeal to the local population and facilitate trade within the diverse cultural landscape of the Arab-Byzantine era. Dating from AH 11-55, this coin offers insights into the early interactions between the Arab conquerors and the Byzantine Empire’s administrative and monetary systems. Its historical significance lies in its representation of the complex political and cultural dynamics of the time, as well as its role in shaping the evolving identity of Islamic coinage.