Judaea, Procurators, Pontious Pilate, Jerusalem Mint, AE Prutah, Year = 29 AD


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SKU: G15.26 Categories: , , ,


Roman Provencial, Judaea, Procurators, Pontious Pilate, Jerusalem Mint, AE Prutah (bronze, 1.5g,  14.8mm), RY 16 of Tiberius = 29 CE
Obv:  Three bound grain ears
Rev: simpulum; LIς (date)
Ref:  Meshorer,  Nabataea 331; Hendin 1341 Rarity/Choice: Common, Fine
Note: Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect (governor) of the Roman province of Judea from 26 to 36 CE. On the obverse side of the coin, there are three bound grain ears, a common motif symbolizing fertility and abundance in Judaism. On the reverse side, there is a simpulum, a ladle-like utensil used in Roman religious ceremonies, particularly in the pouring of libations. Pontius Pilate’s coins are historically significant as they provide archaeological evidence of his rule in Judea and shed light on the socio-economic aspects of the region during the first century CE. These coins also contribute to our understanding of the relationship between Roman authority and local traditions in the ancient world.