Michael VII Ducas, EL Histamenon, Constantinopole Mint, 1071-1078 AD


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SKU: B3.19 Categories: ,


Michael VII Ducas, 1071-1078 AD,  EL Histamenon (electrum, 4.3g, 30mm), Constantinopole Mint
Obv: IC – XC Bust of Christ Pantokrator facing, wearing tunic and pallium, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left
Rev: +MIX AHΛ RACIΛ O Δ Bust of Michael VII facing, wearing loros and crown with pendilia, holding labarum in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left
Ref:  DOC 2c. SB 1868 Rarity/Choice: Common, aEF (impressive example of this type)
Note:  Michael VII Doukas ruled the Byzantine Empire from 1071 to 1078. His reign was marked by internal turmoil, military defeats, and economic hardships, including the loss of Anatolia to the Seljuk Turks following the disastrous Battle of Manzikert in 1071.  Michael VII’s reign witnessed reforms in the Byzantine coinage system, with the Histamenon being one of the principal denominations. The depiction of Christ on the obverse underscores the religious legitimacy of his rule, while the portrayal of the emperor on the reverse emphasizes his authority and continuity of imperial power. The coin’s imagery combines religious symbolism with representations of imperial authority, reflecting the close relationship between the Byzantine state and the Christian Church.  The reverse inscription “+MIX AHΛ RACIΛ O Δ” identifies Michael VII as the reigning emperor, with his name and titles abbreviated in Greek. In summary, this Histamenon featuring Christ Pantokrator on the obverse and Michael VII Doukas on the reverse is a significant numismatic artifact that offers insights into Byzantine religious and political symbolism during the 11th century.